Food Waste and World Hunger – The Food Supply Chain is Broken!

There are many different Supply Chains in the World covering every industry, every business or institution and every aspect of our lives.  But the single most important Supply Chain is the Food Supply Chain!  Our very survival depends on there even being a Food Supply Chain.

But there are two very opposite, yet unacceptable, problems in this Supply Chain.  On one hand there is a horrendously large amount of Food Waste.  Yet on the other hand an enormous portion of humanity suffers from Hunger!  The Food Supply Chain, the most important Supply Chain in the World, is BROKEN!

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Supply Chain Personified! The Link Between Your Company Silos!

How many parts of your company act as independent Company Silos?  How many functions in your  organization conduct themselves like they are islands?

One of the main problems in a functionally organized company is that those functions over time can become isolated from each other.  The responsibilities, metrics, skills, strategies and mandates for each function can cause people to put their functional focus ahead of the greater company objectives.

But the Supply Chain team is uniquely positioned to bridge all of these silos and islands.  Supply Chain is truly the link that can hold your company together!

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10 Great Lessons Learned in Business!

In reflecting back on over 1,000 sessions and almost 10,000 hours of working hands-on with entrepreneurial leadership teams, I’ve observed and learned some great business lessons that will help you and your leadership team.

My hope is that these leadership lessons will serve as constants for you as you build a great company, and that they’ll give you insight, something to shoot for, peace of mind, a wake-up call, and a few aha’s.


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Our 2017 Top 10 List! – Part 2

It’s been a tremendous first year at  Our goal has always been to share experiences and expertise.  And in the second half of 2017 we had an ever increasing number of articles contributed by industry leaders all of whom have been very generous in sharing their intellect and insights.  This is our second 2017 Top 10 List.

Our readers and contributors come from all over the world.  They include individuals new to Supply Chain as well as Industry leaders and everyone in between.   And they work in many different industries and vocations.   But they all have a common interest in Supply Chain, Operations, Business, Leadership, Change Management, Human Resources, Transformation,  and Technology.

Most importantly they all have an interest in learning and sharing.

As we end this first year we wanted to publish our 2nd Top 10 List.  Our first Top 10 List covered the Top blog posts from the first half of 2017 so our 2nd Top 10 List will cover the second half of 2017.

Thank you for your tremendous, ongoing support.  

So here is our 2nd Top 10 List of 2017…

Continue reading “Our 2017 Top 10 List! – Part 2”

To Centralize or to Decentralize? That is the Organization Design Question!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

It seems that every time there is a Management change in an organization there is movement to change the existing organization structure.

In some cases your Function or company is decentralized and new management wants to centralize everything.  In the opposite case they want to centralize everything.  And certainly there are organization structures which are a hybrid of both paradigms.

But in the Supply Chain world what is the best way to organize the function?

Continue reading “To Centralize or to Decentralize? That is the Organization Design Question!”

Unleash Your Employees’ Ideas to Truly Change the Game!

Organizations that are either considered high performing or who aspire to become high performing understand that their employees are their greatest asset.  A company can only achieve its overall objectives if their employees are aligned, on board and driving toward those goals, and if their ideas are heard.

At its core your employees understand how well or how poorly the day-to-day processes in your company run better than anyone else.  They also have tremendous ideas on how to improve those processes, how to improve your metrics, and how to achieve your objectives.

So how do you tap in to that intellect, unleash those ideas, and empower your employees in an organized and efficient manner?  How do you get your finger on the pulse of what is on your employee’s minds?

Continue reading “Unleash Your Employees’ Ideas to Truly Change the Game!”

Trust! The “X” Factor!

What’s the difference between a productive, healthy, high performing organization and a toxic, destructive, and volatile organization?

Trust!  Or rather, the lack thereof!

I have, as have others, joined companies and have taken new jobs based on trust.

I have, as have others, left companies and have left jobs based on distrust.

Trust, and distrust, are more than just “motherhood and apple pie” words.  

They are the “X Factor” in determining whether you enjoy or despise going to work every day.

Continue reading “Trust! The “X” Factor!”

What is Mentoring?

A mentor is a person who can be a sounding board, someone of experience who can listen and help development, while not losing sight of reality. That is mentoring. 

Mentorship is actually rarer than we think but true mentorship is a beautiful thing.

“Mentors should keep their protégés’ feet grounded, and support and stretch them to succeed personally and professionally,” says Debbee Dale in “How to Set up a Mentoring Scheme.” I think that is a perfect description.

Continue reading “What is Mentoring?”

Procurement (and Purchasing) Job Interview Questions & Answers

Procurement, or Purchasing, is an area of Supply Chain that involves and requires very specific skills and expertise.  This is particularly apparent if you are conducing a job interview and hiring a Procurement professional, you are looking for a  Procurement job,  you are looking to outsource anything, or you are dealing with Procurement people in the course of conducting business.  

Regardless of your position or situation it is highly valuable to understand  the type of interview questions, and answers, appropriate for Procurement and Purchasing professionals.    

Check out this list of 25 Procurement and Purchasing and Supply Chain interview questions and answers.

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The Future of Supply Chain Belongs to Those Who Can Find the Talent!

Supply Chain Managers have a full plate, including finding Supply Chain talent. They must oversee inbound and outbound inventory, manage warehouse space, consider order processing, handle employee complaints, report to stakeholders, supervise new system implementation and address the looming skills gap.

Their duties are integral to the future of supply chain management, and out of these issues, a key problem arises. Attracting the right talent will be key to success in the future of supply chain management, and Supply Chain Managers need to take notice today.

Continue reading “The Future of Supply Chain Belongs to Those Who Can Find the Talent!”

The Supply Chain Detective™ and the Mystery of the Rock Star Boss!

My plane had just landed.  I turned on my cell phone.  And almost immediately my CEO called to ask me about my recently hired “Rock Star” boss.

“Have you heard from Rick?  Nobody’s heard from him in several days.”

Rick was my new boss, the CPO, a guy that the CEO hired a couple of months before.

“No I haven’t heard from him either.  That is very unusual given the incredible pace he set for himself”, I said.

“Ok. Let me know if you hear from him and I’ll do the same.”

Where the heck was he?  He seemed to be working 20 hours a day, 7 days a week.  All of his direct reports were getting dozens of emails from him at all hours of the day and night.  But lately there was nothing.  Complete radio silence.

What happened to my new boss? It was a case for the Supply Chain Detective™.

Continue reading “The Supply Chain Detective™ and the Mystery of the Rock Star Boss!”

Digital Transformation of SCM and Change Management!

Ah yes, the sweet smell of change is in the air. The digital transformation of SCM (supply chain management), more specifically procurement and sourcing functions, is becoming a part of the new normal in business.

Organizations are beginning to hop aboard the technology train en route to their end destination: Innovation City and Top-Line Value Ave. .

Along the way, there will be barriers to a smooth journey, but taking incremental steps towards change will allow organizations to overcome challenges.

Continue reading “Digital Transformation of SCM and Change Management!”

Seasoned Leadership in Action™! An Interview with Brad Jackson, COO at North West Rubber!

Brad Jackson
Brad Jackson, EVP at Rakuten Kobo

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series at Supply Chain Game Changer.  This interview is with Brad Jackson, Executive Vice President of Supply Chain Management and Device Sales at Rakuten Kobo, now at North West Rubber.

Continue reading “Seasoned Leadership in Action™! An Interview with Brad Jackson, COO at North West Rubber!”

An Acquisition Gone Wrong! A Coup D’Etat in the Boardroom!

The CEO called an emergency meeting in the Boardroom.  The President of our Division, myself, the prior owners of a company we had just acquired, and one of our major shareholders/board members were to attend.  The sh*t had hit the fan with our latest acquisition.

It had only been a few months since the acquisition had been completed.  This was certainly long enough for the honeymoon period to be over.  But now it looked like we were quickly heading for a divorce.

What went wrong?

Continue reading “An Acquisition Gone Wrong! A Coup D’Etat in the Boardroom!”

Characteristics of a Barrier Busting Culture!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

When you embark on driving any kind of Game Changing Transformation you will most likely also need to change the Culture.  As the saying goes, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results”.  So in order to get different results you may have to break through barriers and drive different behaviours from what are inherent in your current Culture.

Your organization is an ecosystem of policies, practices, processes and procedures that are the result of decisions, beliefs and  behaviours.  Over time much of this generally gets accepted as the way it’s always been done and is not open to challenge or to change.  Therein sacred cows, whether real or perceived, can become obstacles to making the changes needed to derive different results from the status quo.

So how do you change your Culture to achieve Game Changing results?

Continue reading “Characteristics of a Barrier Busting Culture!”