The Single Point of Failure in Supply Chain – Baby Formula!

There are over 3.5 million births in the United States every year. That is a lot of babies who need baby formula.

With such a large number of births you would expect that there would be a steady, well established industry supporting the supply of all needs for new mothers, babies and their families.

Yet in mid 2022 there is a shortage of baby formula. This certainly is completely unacceptable. So how is that possible?

Apparently there is a single point of failure in the baby formula Supply Chain!

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What is Product Liability?

Product liability is a legal term that details the manufacturer, distributor, and seller’s responsibilities.  This includes what may happen if a buyer becomes injured by a defective product. Manufacturers are tasked by law with the responsibility of maintaining certain standards. 

According to product liability laws, buyers have legal protections concerning products deemed to be unreasonably dangerous. This includes products designed in ways in which dangers are not readily apparent.  Manufacturers are also responsible for testing and inspecting the products they make. Sellers are also responsible for making reasonable inspections of the items they choose to sell.

Product liability lawyers can help you determine if a manufacturer, distributor, or seller has neglected their legal duty of care. Read on for more information about the specifics of product liability law and how it’s different from your typical personal injury claim.

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5 Ways to Raise Your Quality Management Game!

With an increasing number of ways to bring products to market and stiff competition aiming to turn consumers’ heads, it’s important to keep ahead of the curve in your Quality Management game.

Not only can that be achieved with the proposition, product or service you’re offering, but it’s also imperative you follow through with taking the right measures. Things like quality inspections, consumer product testing, and social compliance audits, depending on what line of business you’re in, will make sure you meet certain standards and criteria. But also, to ensure your buyer or consumer is investing in the best they can find.

Here’re five ways to up your game when it comes to delivering what’s expected…

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5 Benefits of Gene Editing on Food Quality and Sustainability!

Gene editing, or genome editing, was first developed in the 1900s. It is a range of technologies that give scientists the ability to change an organism’s DNA. It allows genetic material to be altered, removed, or added at specific locations in the genome. 

There are several uses for gene editing technology. As well as being used for medical applications in research and treatment, gene editing technology can also be used for environmental applications.

And that’s not all; this technology has been used to improve food quality and sustainability in recent years. If you want to find out some of the benefits of gene editing on food quality and sustainability, keep reading below:

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What is a Pre-Shipment Inspection and Why is it Important?

Before logistics providers send goods over to their destinations, they conduct a pre-shipment inspection. This might seem like a tedious or bureaucratic process if you need to send goods urgently, but a pre-shipment inspection is vital.

According to industry research, shipping errors occur on 2% of the average merchant’s packages. This means 2 out of 10 packages will experience an error and add costs to your fulfillment expenses. Can pre-shipment inspections cut this error rate?

Let’s look at what they are and why you need them.

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Supplier Quality Management: Drive Value By Safeguarding Value!

Fall is in the air.

Pumpkins are chunkin’, the leaves are changin’ and Thanksgiving cornucopias are being filled by the second. There’s something about autumns crisp air that makes me romanticize the ‘coziness’ of it all, but can you blame me?

As an ex-pat American, I sometimes forget that my associations with the autumn season don’t align with those of my friends here in Stockholm, Sweden. But, if there’s one thing we’ve all come to an agreement upon, it’s that Thanksgiving dinner is a must.

I introduced the tradition a few years ago and it’s been an annual event since then, hosted at my place- in potluck fashion. I fix the bird, stuffing, and taters, and each attendee stands for their own dish. It is a feast of epic proportions, and there’s a spread of food big enough to feed Coxey’s Army (as my Grandmother always says).

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5 Reasons to Choose Professional QA Staffing Services!

Because of the ongoing competition for IT expertise, many businesses are unable to fill their staffing needs. Most small and big IT organizations say they’re dealing with a shortage of IT skills and QA staffing services, according to a new survey.

Finding people who are competent to work in quality assurance roles is a significantly harder task. QA teams are under a lot of pressure to be flexible, knowledgeable, and forward-thinking as a result of rapidly developing technology and the need to deliver goods to market as fast as possible.

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Elevating Analysis: Unveiling the Profound Power and Precision of ICP-OES Instruments!

In the ever-evolving landscape of analytical chemistry, the pursuit of precision and accuracy remains paramount. The discerning eye of researchers and analysts is consistently on the lookout for cutting-edge technologies that can unravel the intricate details within complex samples. 

In this context, Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) emerges as a stalwart, offering an unparalleled blend of power and precision in the realm of elemental analysis.

This blog post embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the intricacies that define ICP-OES instruments, shedding light on how they meet and exceed expectations in elevating analytical capabilities to new heights.

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Automation in the Food Industry!

A shortage of qualified workers makes the idea of adding robots and automation to the factory line an attractive option for companies large and small.

Amid the “Great Resignation” that has forced companies across industries to scramble to maintain staffing levels, members of the food industry need to take a closer look at automation in the food industry. Doing so can help them avoid errors and boost safety while reducing operating costs.

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The Role of Cold Rooms in Reducing Food Waste in Food Businesses!

In the dynamic world of food service and hospitality, minimizing food waste is not just a financial concern but also a critical sustainability goal. One of the key tools in achieving this goal is the cold room—a versatile and indispensable asset for any food business.

Here’s how cold rooms play a pivotal role in extending the shelf life of perishable products, thereby reducing food waste.

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5 Steps to Boost Your Test Automation Efforts!

In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, test automation has become a crucial component of ensuring the quality and reliability of applications. However, maximizing the benefits of test automation requires a systematic and strategic approach.

In this article, we will explore five essential steps that can significantly boost your test automation efforts, leading to improved efficiency, effectiveness, and overall software testing excellence. Let’s dive in!

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Why Food Manufacturers Must Prioritize Product Tampering and Safety Threats!

Needless to say, the food industry is booming, and with all that success comes some serious responsibility. So, it’s not just about food quality control any more for manufacturers. Sure, that is a major one, but it’s not the only one that needs to be prioritised. It’s not even just about making the food taste better, too.

It’s actually about ensuring that every item leaving the factory is safe. One slip-up can lead to serious consequences, from sick customers to a ruined reputation and even getting shut down, depending on how bad things get.

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What it Currently Takes to Guarantee End Users the Quality and Integrity of Your Products!

With an increasingly competitive and oversaturated market where marketing such as social media influence weighs heavily on a product’s success or failure, how do you demonstrate to your prospective customers that your product will genuinely ease their lives and fix their problems, bringing a plus of value that will make their time and money spent worth the efforts?

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How to Look After Your 3D Printer!

There are a lot of things that you need to consider if you are thinking about getting a 3D printer. At the very top of that list is how you are going to look after your 3D printer.

Of course, you should be getting a professional in to look at it every so often, but the real maintenance comes from the level of care you give it before and after each use. 

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7 Useful Tips for Industrial Machine Maintenance!

Running a manufacturing plant or factory requires a lot of maintenance and upkeep. Industrial machines are essential components in the production process, which means they must be kept in good working condition. Regular industrial machine maintenance is the key to running these machines smoothly and minimizing downtime.

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