Let us conduct a survey on workplace appreciation: how happy would you say your employees are? Do they like their work? Do you believe they feel recognized and appreciated for their work?
Not all too surprising, feeling valued at a company can have an extensive impact on how much an employee enjoys his or her job. What’s more surprising is that happiness can impact productivity.
Great managers and leaders know that expressing gratitude to their employees is a powerful tool. It keeps people engaged in their work. And the research agrees. Research tells us that workers thrive when they know they are appreciated. In fact, the feeling of gratitude is connected to a number of health benefits.
In one study, college students were grouped up into 3 different camps. One camp expressed 5 things they were grateful for that week; another wrote about 5 hassles; and the third listed 5 events, positive or negative, that had happened to them in the past week.
After ten weeks, researched found the students who has listed things for which they were grateful for felt healthier, more optimistic and more positive about their lives. Additionally, those students exercise more and slept better than the other camps.
And these benefits don’t only apply to students. Other research shows that people who feel appreciated at work tend to be more productive and willing to work harder than those who do not feel valued. Furthermore, they may be more optimistic and better able to cope with stress, ultimately leading to higher job satisfaction.
Expressing appreciation in the office can also improve engagement of your employees. Studies show that 7 in 10 workers whose bosses recognized their efforts described themselves as happy with their jobs. Other research agrees that providing team members with positive and specific feedback can improve motivation, productivity and participation.
For more information on this topic, please check out the graphic below!
It covers how managers and leaders can display gratitude in the workplace, benefiting both employees and the organization as a whole!

The Power of Appreciation from the eGift card providers, Gift Card Granny.