In December 2019, 1001 Networks officially launched!
This site, which operates out of Antibes, France allows people to take control over their business’ shipping and delivery needs. The website offers a place for people to come together and share information.
Right on the homepage of the website, people can see real customer reviews of companies. These detail the experiences people had with their chosen provider, and allows others to learn who to use, or not to use.
The site runs on an algorithm that takes a variety of information into consideration. It evaluates, the level of technology the provider has access to, as well as learn who is the most reliable carrier in any given city. In addition, the site takes customer service into consideration with this algorithm. There’s little point in choosing a company if they won’t respond when something does happen to go wrong, after all.
In addition, the site allows people to mix and match providers, based on each one’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the particular needs of those ordering the company’s service. 1001 Networks believes this is the best way to make sure one is getting quality, professional service.
So what’s the inspiration for this new site?
The company is based around the idea that time is valuable. The time one spends going over companies on their own can be astronomical at times. The site says companies waste untold hours on this task, something that could be better used on creating new products or services. Not to mention all the time it takes from spending time with family and friends.
Achieving balance is key in running a successful business, and 1001 networks wanted to help people save their most valuable resource. By cutting a lot of wasted time, one also saves money. Something that can also be put back into one’s business.
To be able to review or get access to the site’s algorithms, one must register an account here.
It’s easy to do, and they provide step-by-step instructions. To make things better, they are completely independent. This means, one can’t buy their way into the top providers, nor do they alter their algorithms to favor certain providers.
Their rankings are fully performance-based, meaning users can trust what they are seeing are the legitimate opinions of people who’ve used the various providers, and they also know the algorithms are based on hard data—not advertising dollars.
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