Most companies collect and store consumer data. For many businesses, the data holds a geographic component to the information, including physical address or general city. Unfortunately, businesses without location map software will involuntarily forgo these critical communication components.
After all, any location-based information may directly connect with sales data, supplier information, and more. Understanding how to optimize and capitalize on these details is essential for businesses wanting to maintain a competitive advantage.
Visualizing your data with map software offers a critical piece of insight business owners need to separate from the competition. Owners can plot key data sets into the map, uncovering important trends and opportunities that may have otherwise been hidden within a spreadsheet. Data visualization will simplify collaboration efforts, sharing, and effective business planning.
What Could Location Mapping Be Used For?
Location map software applications vary depending on the functionality and features. For instance, using a program like Maptive can enhance data interpretation while continuing to integrate Google Maps into the software. A few uses for location map software include:
Route Optimization
Location map software integrates external construction, delays, and traffic into the planning stages. Logistics and deliveries can be time-consuming and costly, covering significant geographic boundaries. Route optimization will use any data imports and consider all traffic considerations before optimizing the routes for your drivers.
Grouping Data into Specific Geographic Areas
Look for map software that holds a boundary tool that enables custom territories to the map. Boundaries may include traditional borders (like countries, zip codes, states, or cities) or personalized options according to sales targets and traveling distance.
After establishing boundaries, users can then run a comparative analysis within all regions. Specific features to enable comparative analysis include heat maps and pin maps.
Simplified Accessibility
When a company is left to rely exclusively on spreadsheets, many restrictions are often placed on the data. A cloud-based program allows all users direct access to maps and datasets anywhere. Unfortunately, spreadsheets are often locked to specific networks or computers, blocking access to information on the move. With location map software, users can access all consumer details from virtually any device.
Outline Physical Business Boundaries
Identify and determine the ideal locations for all offices, buildings, logistics, and suppliers within a geographic location. Users can define all service areas using the radius functionality to determine the regional expansion areas. Alternatively, the mapping function can help company owners uncover the current competition in the area, along with market saturation.
Locate Consumer Locations and Unpack Comprehensive Sales Information
Once all sales data sets are in the software, users can identify varying hot spots within a geographic location. Alternatively, business owners can identify areas lacking coverage or underserved regions.
A demographic overlay can locate untapped markets, which may highlight any areas for expansion in the future. Once all data uploads to the map, users can instantly pull details, edit information, and save client demographics by clicking directly on the marker.
Which Industries Will Benefit from Mapping Software?
Mapping software benefits all businesses, from small start-up companies to large enterprises. Virtually every industry can unpack the data within a geographic analysis, with the most common areas including:
Supply Chain Management
Confirm your sales target areas within your supply chain and identify all weakened points with visualization. Users can then determine the distribution aspects within the same map through all points of the sale. Individuals can evaluate all drive times between locations through route optimization, continuing to capitalize on implementing internal logistic changes.
Sales Mapping Options
Knowing how to identify prospective clients, the company’s top-selling agents, and potential locating boundary expansion is effortless with heat mapping functionality. All sales representatives can determine territories, consumer demographic data, and efficient routes between sales meetings or appointments. Finally, data can help organize the sales process depending on the sales cycle.
Develop Multi-Stop Planning
Most location map software will hold advanced route planning and optimization options, especially regarding organizing within your business. Although Google maps will limit users to having one specific route per upload, mapping programs often allow unlimited routes and stops, offering complete flexibility to the business overall.
Whether you’re looking for the occasional delivery within the city or a highly complex logistics business, mapping software works to elevate your company’s planning overall.