The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in E-Commerce is underway. Further it has the potential for exponential dissemination across the Retail landscape in the future along with expansion of it’s applications and capabilities.
From playing a role in managing the Customer Experience to providing Buying, Replenishment and Fulfillment capabilities to analyzing the ever growing expanse of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay in Retail.
The following infographic depicts a variety of applications of Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce along with real life examples from world renowned companies.

E-Commerce continues to be the fastest growing channel in any industry worldwide. And AI is a technology for today and in the future. A convergence between E-Commerce and AI, including Finance, is a natural fit.
Growth in this channel requires the deployment of advanced technology in order to provide the scalability necessary to sustain and support that growth. AI requires channels that have a need to leverage technological capabilities and are willing to experiment, invest and evolve with the progression of AI.